Étude nº 307, 2024. Acrylic on linen, audio file 1:38’ accessible via QR Code. 100 x 140 cm (39.37 x 55.12 in.)
Étude nº 304, 2024. Acrylic on linen. 27 x 35 cm (10.63 x 13.78 in.)
Étude nº 304, 2024. Acrylic on linen. 27 x 35 cm (10.63 x 13.78 in.) – detail
In my “Études” I explore the temporality of the pictorial gesture. The paintings are the result of the rhythmic repetition of the same circular gesture that leaves a mark on the surface of the canvas with the addition or subtraction of paint. The repetition of this gesture creates a weave on the pictorial surface. Thus, the final image is the result of overlapping layers of painting that give the rise to an infinity of subtle variations in colour and depth games. My art is directly related to another facet of my life, music. As a pianist and musical performer I translate the signs of a score in a choreography of movements on the keyboard that lead to sound. In the case of painting the choreography of movements, gestures creates the marks on the canvas. The term étude (study) comes from the musical field. In music an study is a piece intended to work a specific problem (usually technical) which translates into a gesture, a concrete physical movement. Usually, studies are built around a single musical material, rhythmic and melodic patterns which are repeated with slight variations, and create a continuous musical writing that visually reminds one of a tapestry.