Tourner la page, 2022.
Drilled plywood, acrylic clear varnish, felt.
34 x 25,3 x 4,5 cm ( 13.39 x 9.96 x 1.77 in.) – folded
This piece was inspired by a common problem I encountered in my daily life as a pianist. When playing the piano while reading sheet music, I sometimes struggle to turn the pages of music without sacrificing the flow of the piece or making the sheets fall of the stand. In order to solve this problem there’s a technique consisting of printing out the scores onto single-sided paper and then taping them all together side by side and spreading them across the stand in order to avoid pages turning. My piece folds and unfolds as the taped music sheets. I’m interested in how the unfolding implies occupying more space, as a physical way of showing the passage of time.
This piece is an evolution of my notages series. I drilled the music notes – in this case, Chopin’s Étude op.25 n.12 music score – on wood panels in order to show the repetitive melodic profile of the musical etudes. Instead of using the addition of paint, like in my Neumas or Études series, I used the negative espace, I work with the concept of void.